The 2013-2014 yearbook has sold out. There are no additional copies for sale. Thanks to our yearbook club staff for doing a great job of producing and promoting the this year's book!
Crazy Hat Day
Tomorrow Friday, May 16th is "Crazy Hat Day" or Hats on for Cancer. Students from Harmony team will visit first hour classes to collect money ($1) if you are wearing a hat/crazy hat. All money collected will go to Cancer.
GSA News
The final GSA event of the year will be on Tuesday morning from 8-8:30 in Ms. Klink's room. We will celebrate the last year and look forward to next with a breakfast style meeting. Please stop by or email Ms. Klink if you are planning on attending as she needs to make sure there is enough space for everyone.
TechYes Help Desk
Have you visited The TechYes Help Desk, yet? If you watch one video, and fill out a short survey you could win a $5 gift card to Yo My Goodness.There will be a total of 6 names drawn. 2 people will win a $5 gift card and 4 people will win a buy one get one free coupon. This contest ends on May 19 so be sure to enter. FInd the link on Hixson’s main page
One student...big goal
Arden Armstrong is running a baby toiletry drive for nurses for newborns Monday May 12th through Tuesday May 20th. She asks that you bring in diapers and pull ups of all sizes, diaper cream, baby shampoo, combs, body wash and lotion. You can drop your items off in Mr. Taylors room, room 108, or at Arden’s house 429 Marion Ave.