PLEASE NOTE: The following dress code regulations listed in the student handbook are still applicable on Pajama Day.
1. Clothing must fit appropriately and cover the student’s undergarments whether they are standing, sitting, or moving.
2. All pants and shorts must be worn at the waist.
3. Skirts and dresses must extend to the wearer’s finger tips.
4. Students must not wear low cut blouses, midriffs, barebacked shirts or dresses, short shorts,
5. Students who wear leggings or stretch pants must also wear tops appropriate to the setting, the outfit and that extend to the finger tips.
6. Footwear must be worn at all times.
7. Students must layer their clothing as winter coats and heavy jackets or vests must remain in the student’s locker.
8. Any references to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sex, sexuality, or violence as word, picture, symbol, or influence are not allowed.
9. Hats, hoods, beanies, wave caps and scarves, and head scarves may not be worn except on special occasions or with permission of an administrator. Anything worn on the head must be to hold hair back and must not exceed a 2” width.
10. Any jewelry, belt, chain, etc., that may pose a safety threat is prohibited.