Hello Hixson Parents and Guardians,
Here is an update on the 8th grade enrichment trip to Memphis, Tn.
We officially have two buses filled with 8th grade students headed to Memphis in May 2015. We have students on a wait list for a third bus. We need more students to fill the bus. It is not too late to get on the wait list. The wait list window will remain open until December 12th. The initial payment for those on the wait list is not due until the third bus fills. If there are enough participants signed up on the waiting list to fill a 3rd bus, the website will be re-opened for you to sign up and make your deposit to guarantee your seat for a 3rd bus. You will be notified when/if that time comes.
If you have any questions, or if you are unable to access the link above, you may contact your child’s Social Studies Teacher for more information.
Thank you for all you do to support your students and Hixson.