Continued Communication from HMS

We here at HMS are gearing up for the start of school and refining our orientation process, welcoming teachers back to the building, and getting everything setup for the first day of school.

Tomorrow our teachers and counselors return, and we can solidify our communications to best support our families joining us on Friday August 8th, for Orientation day. If you have not already seen the post sharing the way the Orientation Day will flow, click here and take a look at the post.

In the excitement of the returning students, some of our teachers began proactively connecting with families before their official start day. We apologize for the confusion and early release of team information to some families. This school year, we have formed a Communications Committee which has met once, and will continue to do so throughout the school year to best connect with our families.

As always you can find us on Facebook and Twitter

 Orientation is just 3 days away, and we look forward to seeing you all then.