Hixson Highlights - December 19, 2014

News from Dr. Smith

Trivia Night

Hixson's Trivia Night is on February 7, 2015. For more information and to register your table of 8, visit http://hxtrivia.blogspot.com/.

Hixson Holiday Family Donations

  • Our Hixson staff and families donated enough food to complete 20 food baskets. Each basket contained a full holiday meal and other food items to help families sustain over the long break.  Our staff put each basket together at our faculty meeting and four teachers delivered baskets to our student's doorsteps. 
  • As a building we raised $9,275.00 to bless our Hixson families.  Six families were able to have their holiday wishes come true by every item on their lists being delivered to their doorstep.  Six teams adopted a family and purchased their gifts and two teams raised money.  We used the additional money to purchase gas and grocery gift cards. 
  • In addition Mrs. Neumann will be delivering 40 books to city hall to be disseminated out to senior citizens in our community. 
We are so lucky to work with such amazing staff and families!  Hixson is keeping our chain reaction of kindness going!