North Star

September 15, 2017

For the past two weeks, I've had the privilege of spending time with kids in their Discovery classes leading community building circles.  As an added bonus, SRO Cameron (OC) has been leading with me and even took the lead on a couple of circles on his own.  We have a couple more to lead and then will have had the opportunity to hear the voices of almost all of our kids.  The circle provides an opportunity to hear what kids are thinking, what they believe, and how they show up in the space created for them.

In a restorative conversation, we sit in a circle.  The purpose of the configuration is to allow everyone to be seen and heard.  There are only a handful of rules in a circle conversation and the most important one is that we use a talking piece to pass around.  In a circle, everyone has choice. You may share or you may pass but it is your choice.  We don't shame anyone for their share outs, speak for anyone but ourselves, and give our attention to the person holding the talking piece.

I wanted to be able to share circles with kids to introduce them to this practice, hear what they had to say, and share my expectations for them.  At the start of the circle, I asked them to speak from their hearts.  We talked about kindness and what that means to each of them.  We also talked about legacy and what it means to leave a legacy.  The depth and wisdom that was shared in the circles fills me with hope.  Kids expressed that leaving a legacy meant being remembered for doing something for others... for making a difference in the world...creating change for years to come...planting seeds that would grow into the future.  We also talked about their influence in the world and that they do make a difference.  Often times, the voices of our kids are easy to dismiss because they are seen as just kids.  Yet, they are often the most wise when it comes to how they view the world and start the work to enact change.  We need to harness that wisdom.  Our kids are our North Star.  In the midst of chaos, confusion, and uncertainty they are the constant light of hope and can guide us.

Today, I witnessed kids sharing deeply respectful conversations about the verdict and their feelings. They are trying to reconcile the intense range of emotions being felt today and sharing from their hearts with each other.  It is raw and it is unfiltered.  I want you to know that Hixson is a safe space for all of us, where we honor everyone's voice and heart.  I've done quite a bit of pausing today as I try to gather my thoughts while sharing conversations with folks.  I'm not ready to share whole conversations with people myself as I try to harness my own emotions and thoughts.  We need to remember that kids are in the same position and that they are looking to us to be a place of safety as they reconcile their own feelings.  When kids see our vulnerability and hear our voices, what they in turn share out will serve as the North Star-centering us and lighting the room up with hope.

I'm incredibly humbled that kids allow me into their space to share conversations about their dreams, worries and hopes.  My hope is that we stay connected with each other and support each other as we move into the next few days, weeks, months and year.  Please know that I am here to share conversations and support you as well.  Conversations around equity and race may feel uncomfortable but we must honor each other with respect and create a safe space to share thoughts and emotions as we walk together in our community.

With Gratitude,