Upcoming Events and Information

September 8, 2017

Hello Hixson Families,
Happy Friday!  I hope everyone had a great short week.  Here's some information and dates for upcoming events.

Thank you to our wonderful PTO for providing teachers with a back to school gift.  We appreciate the generosity and thoughtfulness very much!

Principal's Coffee and PTO Meetings
This year, I will be hosting Principal's Coffee talks every other month.  On the months where there is not a talk, there will be a PTO meeting.

Our first Principal's Coffee talk will be held on Wednesday, September 13th in the library from 8:45am-9:15am.  Please come join me for a cup of coffee and conversation!

This year, we will be hosting monthly JETS Pizza night fundraisers to raise money for student activities and programs.  The fundraiser is an easy way to support our school and get dinner on the table.  Just present the flyer to JETS when you are picking up your order or to your delivery driver. Our school will receive 20% of the sales on our fundraiser days/nights.  If you work in Webster and have co-workers who order lunch every once in awhile, they can also help support our school by presenting the flyer for office orders.

Our first pizza night is coming up and will be on Thursday, September 14th.  All the dates are on the flyer I will share.  The flyer must be presented for Hixson to receive a portion of the sale.  Here's the link below to the flyer and one will also be coming home with your child next week.


Railroad Track Safety
Many of our kids are walkers or bike riders.  Our School Resource Officer, OC, has shared safety information with kids during their lunches about being safe around the railroad tracks.  However, we are still hearing reports that kids are not being safe on the railroad tracks and need your help.  If your child is a walker, please remind them that the tracks are dangerous and they should not be walking on them, inside of them or really near them.  As an added precaution, the WG Police Department will have a car parked around the tracks at various points during the time kids are walking home to make sure they are safe.

The Webster Groves School District will present the documentary "Screenagers:  Growing up in the Digital Age" on Wednesday. September 20th in the Hixson Auditorium.  For information and to register, please click the link:

Also, here's a link to an interesting article about kids and technology usage:

Counselor Lessons
Beginning Tuesday, October 3rd, Mrs. Bodi and Mrs. Peterson will begin visiting 8th grade classrooms to present NCADA lessons.  The goals of the "To Be Determined" lessons are:

  • Understand the definition of integrity and learn about behaviors that show integrity.
  • Recognize that not showing integrity can affect their reputation and relationships.
  • Gain awareness of stereotypes that happen in school.
  • Recognize differences among their peers and be encouraged to accept differences in others.
  • Understand the impact of rumors on reputations.
  • Learn that positive leadership can come in many different forms and might not always be popular.
  • Learn that everyone has the potential to be leaders.

Webster Groves School District Foundation
The following message is from the WGSD Foundation:

Do you like to be part of a group and would love to work to enhance the opportunities for students around the WGSD? The WGSDF is looking for a few people who are interested in serving on our Grants Committee.  The purpose of the Grants Committee is to review and score grant applications and award grant money to teachers around our district.  Time commitment would be to meet monthly with the committee, review emails and correspondence and occasionally be part of a grant check presentation. If interested or if you have a any questions, please reply to info@wgsdfoundation.org

Are you interested in learning more about the WGSD Foundation? Visit our website at www.wgsdfoundation.org to learn more about our events, awarded grants and volunteer opportunities. 

Fall Conferences
Hixson's fall conferences will be October 10th, 11th, and 12th. Look for more information on how to schedule conferences next week.  Please note that after-school activities will not meet on these days.

It's important to us that information reaches everyone.  I wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the various communication methods we use.  I send out the memos through School Messenger, my blog which posts onto the Hixson website, and Facebook.  Our Facebook page is also an easy way to see pictures of kids in action.

Our website also looks a bit different with updated information and team websites.  Thank you to our district webmaster, Pat Weaver, for all her work on our website.

Dr. Simpson's Blog is another great way to see what's happening throughout the district.
His blog is:

If you twitter then you can also follow him at:

It was great seeing folks at Open House last week.  I look forward to more opportunities to share conversations in the future.

Have a great weekend!

With Gratitude,